Hello my dear Readers!
Hope you all have been well this week.
This morning was quite challenging for me, to be honest…
Actually, the last month has been getting harder and harder for me. Although I feel
perfectly well physically (finally), emotionally I've been having a drop, which
today had one of its peaks.
It took me four hours to kick me out of bed. I didn't
want to do anything, even today's Random Saturday. Eventually, I convinced
myself to get out of bed, go for a run and go on with my day. Now, that I'm writing
this blog I feel the urge to crawl back to bed and spend the rest of the day
watching youtube videos, which of I won't do, as I like to choose work over bed
to get over such times.
Yet… even though I know what is the cause for this
emotional drop, it is becoming harder and harder to keep up with my daily
tasks. Still, I try my best to stay positive and joke about this whole situation.
Also, I started training a foal, so it could get accustomed to a halter, so it
has been keeping busy and away from gloomy thoughts.
To be completely honest, ever since I decided to open my
own wedding and event planning company, I had a number panic attacks. I get
doubts on the decision of starting my own busyness, I have doubts that I will
be able to pull through in such critical for the world time. I guess it is a
normal feeling, when taking the first steps to a professional independence, so
I try not to over think it. I've invented so many ways of motivating myself to
go on, that I might write a book about it one day.
Whatever the hardships might be though, I won't stop trying
to make Cardoon Events one of the best wedding and event planning companies in
Greece, because, as the band "Queen" says "We'll keep on fighting
till the end!"
It has been only two and half months since Cardoon Events
started, so it would be unfair of me to ask for great result in such a short
period of time. It is amazing to know that there are couples contacting me,
more and more people are reading this blog, and all the social media are slowly
growing. This shows progress, and I'm really happy about it. Every new follower
I get on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, fills me with the same excitement I felt
as a kid when opening the presents from Santa Claus.
I guess I can start putting some more effort into
Cardoon, so I won't feel like I'm procrastinating too much. Everything will
turn out good, I know it, because well… I really don't have any other choice.
Hehe :p

On the bright side, I've been hired to work at the "SantoHorse Riding" for this summer season, and it has been a dream of mine to
work with horses again, ever since I came to Santorini. If any of your wish to
meet in person, you can do so there :p. And no, this won't interfere at all
with my work at Cardoon Events. The owners of Santo Horse Riding know that I will
be going on some wedding this year, and I will still be able to do all the
planning from the stable. I'll have the best office view with the horses around
me, the sun, the fresh air! This certainly makes me happy.
I'm terribly sorry that I've been whining for the second
Random Saturday in a row, but since wedding planners are human beings too, we
are bound to have our sad days, weeks, months. An in any case, Random Saturdays
were meant to be a way of you, getting to know me better as a person, rather
than just a professional. You'll just got to know the whiny side of me. J
I would like thank all of my friends, who have been on my
side from the very beginning of Cardoon Events. I'd like to thank them, for
keeping up with all the long faces, frowns, pessimism, panic attacks. They help
me turn all that to a positive and energetic attitude towards what I'm doing.
At the of the day, I always fall asleep with a smile.
I also want to thank you,
my dear reader, for supporting what I'm trying to do, by reading this blogs.
I wish everyone a great evening or day, and a great week
in general!
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