Sunday, January 29, 2017

Random Saturday 8: Animals are great!

Hello my dear Readers!

In today's Random Saturday, I would like to talk about my furry little friends!

I have two dogs. Well… one and a half, as one of the dogs is taken care of by both me and my landlord. My black, beautiful, lovely dog is Noir. I know her since she was 3 weeks old. Back then she looked more like a small bear cub than a puppy. A real cutie! When she was finally old enough, I took her home and she has been making my life brighter ever since. She's a half breed, and has an amazing and loving character. We’ve been together for almost six years now, and I couldn't feel anything but proud of that.

The second dog, named Bobo, or Bobik, or Fountoukos, is an incredibly lucky dog. I've He was abandoned in my yard on May 22nd 2015. I remember getting back from a wedding, and seeing something small running to hide under my car. I showed him to my landlord, and we both fell in love with him. I believe he couldn't have asked for a better home, two homes to be more precise. Everyone loves him, he gets yummy treats all the time, lots of hugs and attention, and is in a company of three of other dogs and a cat. He is this energetic, crazy little mate!

I also have a cat, whose name is Lion - O. Ever since I came to Santorini, he has been living the cat's dream life! He has all the privileges of an indoor cat, but he can also roam all day in the fields, hunt, climb on trees, and get in cat-fights. I'm not particularly happy about the last one, as I've already had to visit the vet for wound treatments a couple of times. Yes, he is castrated, by remains a manly man of a cat, so there is nothing I can do to stop him proving his manliness to other cats. Thankfully, he has his two bodyguards, my dogs. He's also have had a broken tail since birth, so his tail looks like a question mark, which I find cute!

This amazing trio has been a great company for me, for some time now. They keep me warm during the cold, winter nights, they keep me entertained at all times, and they never keep me inside the house for too long, which is good thing. Admittedly, they are not the best companions with whom to engage in a philosophical conversation, but they are great listeners whenever I wish to share my bad day with someone.

They have taught me patience. All those little "accidents" that might happen, really teach you to control the anger emotions. In time, instead of bursting in anger on them for breaking something, I started dealing with it with humor. It is not their fault after all, I should've know to place my things better around the house. With cats and small dogs, you learn to mind you steps. You also become more responsible, which is really helpful in life. My pets made me a much better person.

I'm truly grateful for having this amazing trio in my life! However hard a day I could be having, they always manage to cheer me up!

This is all for today. Hope you enjoyed.

Thank you very much for reading and you have my best wishes! 

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